Production of heat, hot water and their distribution

Heat Sources and Transfer Stations

In Myjava, there is a central heat supply system built. It consists of the following heat sources – gas boiler rooms and transfer stations (TS) supplying residential buildings and non-residential premises (NRP). 

Title TZ: K-2
Heat source address: Hurbanova 659/20
It supplies heat to external primary distribution for TS-1 through 4
Title: OST-1
Location: behind the Department Store Myjavanka
Heated Houses: 588, 589, 600, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 637, 638
Heated NBP: Department store Myjavanka, Joker, Clothes and shoes center, Grocery store
Title: OST-2
Location: at the block 934
Heated Houses: 934
Heated NBP: Nursing Home, District Office
Title: OST-3
Location: between blocks 932 a 933
Heated Houses: 932, 935, 936
Heated NBP: The post office, Shopping center
Title: OST-4
Location: in the building TZ K-2
Heated Houses: 555, 556, 678, 682, 683, 685, 686, 687, 688
Heated NBP: Service center, Grocery store, City office, ÚPSVaR, Kindergarten Hoštáky, Kompez
Title TZ: K-Dš2 and OST-Dš2
Heat source address: SNP 401/2
Heated Houses: 402, 403, 404, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 414, 415
Heated NBP: Gymnasium, Secondary Technical School - school and boarding school, Kindergarten on the street SNP
Title TZ: OST-Dš1
Heat source address: 8. Apríla 372/1
Heated Houses: 360, 361, 362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367, 370, 373, 374, 375, 379, 380, 381, 382, 384, 385, 386, 387, 398, 399, 400, 405, 505, 506, 508, 509, 510
Heated NBP: Grocery store/Bakery, Oscar Nenud Club, shops in the building Ideál
Title TZ: K-Dš3
Heat source address: Partizánska 288/37
Heated Houses: 285, 286, 287, 289, 299, 300
Heated NBP: Community Center
Title TZ: K-Sekule
Heat source address: M. Marečka 272/18
Heated Houses: 970, 971, 972, 973, 974, 975
Heated NBP: Kindergarten on Bradáčová Street
Title TZ: K-255
Heat source address: Bradáčova 255/15
Heated Houses: 253, 255
Title TZ: K-MŠTL
Heat source address: Turá Lúka 131
Heated NBP: Economic and educational pavilion
Title TZ: K-1058
Heat source address: Kamenné 1058
Heated Houses: 1058
Title TZ: K-1059
Heat source address: Kamenné 1059
Heated Houses: 1059, 1060
Title TZ: K-292
Heat source address: Partizánska 292/39A
Heated Houses: 292
Title TZ: K-234
Heat source address: Trokanova 234/2
Heated Houses: 234, 236

Hot Water and Temperatures of Heated Premises

Hot Water for the End Consumer

Decree of the Regulatory Office for Network Industries (RONI) no. 240/2016 Coll. and Decree of the Ministry of Economy of the SR No. 152/2005 Coll. set the SHW temperature at the outlet of the end consumer in a temperature range of a minimum 45°C and maximum 55 °C. At the same time, the supplier shall be obliged to supply SHW from 5:00 a.m

At the same time, the supplier shall be obliged to supply SHW from 5:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m., or in a time agreed in accordance with the heat supply and consumption contract.

Decree of the RONI No. 240/2016 Coll. determines the procedure of budgeting the quantity of the heat supplied for the preparation of SHW and for heating.

The quality of the heat supply to the end consumer is defined by Decree of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic No. 277/2012 Coll. The heating period begins on 1 September of a relevant calendar year and ends on 31 May of the following calendar year.

Heat for heating begins to be delivered if the outdoor average daily air temperature during the heating season drops below 13°C for two days in a row and, according to the weather forecast, an increase in the outdoor temperature over the next day above this value cannot be expected.

Similarly, this also applies to the interruption of the heat supply. Heat for heating must be supplied in order to achieve the interior temperatures of the heated premises as defined by Decree of the Ministry of Economy of the SR No. 277/2012 Coll.:


Heated Premises
Residential Buildings
Residential premises, i.e. living rooms, bedrooms, dining rooms, workrooms, children's rooms
heated side-rooms (hallways, corridors, etc.)
heated staircase

The Resulting Temperature ti °C




Heat Distribution

Heat production and distribution diagram

Bytový podnik Myjava produces heat on the basis of customer orders pursuant to Act No. 657/2004 Coll. on Thermal Energy and to the decisions of the RONI.

Bytový podnik Myjava holds heat production and distribution license no. 2006T 0089.

The operation of the heat sources and heat transfer stations is monitored by the control center. If necessary, it will take measures to ensure appropriate technological parameters.

In case of deficiencies in the supply of heat or hot water, contact the control center: tel. no. 0905 852 188, or 034 621 3737.

The production and distribution of heat and SHW is carried out in the following ways:

Heat Prices

Thermal Energy Prices

Based on an order from customers, we process the heat price calculations for the upcoming period. Pursuant to regulations the RONI will subsequently determine, in accordance with the applicable regulations, for the regulated entity of Bytový podnik Myjava, spol. s r. o. the amount of the variable and fixed heat price component for the given period.

Hodnoty týchto zložiek nájdete v aktuálnom rozhodnutí ÚRSO.

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Quality Standards

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